Tuesday, September 4, 2007

I found ya!

Good Morning Gals! Hope you're all sipping your water and getting your fruits and veggies in. My plan for today is to stay away from the candy and to get a walk in. I've decided to not get on the scale until the week is up. Sometimes when I get on the scale too often, I mess myself up. If I see a loss and I know I've "cheated", then I think it's okay to continue to cheat. If I don't see a loss and I think I've been following the diet, then I get discouraged, yada, yada - it's all a mental game. So, I've vowed to only weigh once a week - I was going to try for just once a month and go by how my pants (yep, the ones that don't fit) were feeling, but I don't think I can manage that.

Well, glad I found you and I'll try to learn this blogging stuff :) In the meantime - think skinny!

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