Tuesday, September 4, 2007

my breakfast

Can anyone guess who I am?

Here's a hint: I'm having one of my favorite "diet" breakfasts.... an egg white smoothie. I know..... blech!!! It's actually quite good - some pasturized liquid egg whites, 2 frozed strawberries, 2 slices of frozen peach, some splenda, almond extract and some sunrise morning drink to blend it all together and yummmmm.... tastes like chicken :)

What's your favorite way to start your dieting day?


Kirstin said...

hey that does sound kinda tasty. I know you are not Kari, because she doesn't eat splenda, sio I am gonna guess Michele???? did I get it right??? huh? huh? did I?

Anonymous said...


Kirstin said...

ok, this blog is giving me headaches, I started a new one and hopefully all the kinks will be worked out try this site www.stampersonthelose.blogspot.com